Welcome Sophia​ Dalal​, E4F’s new Legal Services Coordinator!

Welcome Sophia​ Dalal​, E4F’s new Legal Services Coordinator! You can find her talking back to crooked landlords in housing court or you can reach her at ​sophia@equalityforequality.org or ​(646)-907-9799 with legal ​support​.

We're ramping up our legal services so that we can take Legal action for more Brooklyn tenants and take back what’s ours before it’s gone. It’​s m​ore important than ever to donate so that we can #PayEllery and provide legal services for every community member that needs our help.

Help us reach $​2K​​ ​in August ​to fight for Brooklyn!

#​beforeitsgone #takeitback​ #PayEllery #E4F​sues ​